
An exploration of Faith and Life and how to fully live both.JoinZoom Meetinghttps://us02web.zoom.us/j/89073538210MeetingID: 890 7353 8210

Messecar Small Group

Final meeting this spring for this small. Bill Messecar is the group contact.

Handbell Choir

Handbell Choir rehearsal led by Katie Walda

Staff Meeting

Messiah staff will meet to discuss ongoing ministry and church administration.

Messiah Food Bank

Messiah Lutheran Church, 410 H St NE, Auburn, WA 98002, USA

Messiah’s food bank is open each Wednesday morning from 9:00 am to 10:00 am. The food bank is open to all who choose to come with no restrictions on income. During the Covid-19 pandemic, food is available in pre-packaged, grab-and-go containers. Only Messiah Food Bank Volunteers are allowed in the building.

Quilters Gathering

Quilters will be working to finish quilts that are nearly ready to ship. They plan to meet each Wednesday In April with plans to ship all the quilts out on April 28th. Hosted by Adriana Chandler.

Rio Verde Bible Study

Members of the Rio Verde Bible Study gathering for scripture study, prayer and fellowship. Carol Messecar host.

Youth Night at Trotters!

Bring a camp chair and meet us in the Trotters parking lot for dinner and ice cream!

Bible Study

Bible Study led by Pastor Chuck Harris
