Community Meal

Messiah’s community meal is available each Sunday afternoon from 2:00 pm to 3:00 pm. The community meal is open to all who choose to come with no restrictions on income. During the Covid-19 pandemic, meals are available in pre-packaged, grab-and-go containers. Only Messiah Community Meal Volunteers are allowed in the building.

Messiah Piano Tuning

The piano in the music room, Galli and the Sanctuary will be tuned today.

Messiah Staff Meeting

Church Office

Messiah staff will meet to discuss ongoing ministry and church administration.

Messiah Food Bank

Upper Gathering Space

Messiah’s food bank is open each Wednesday morning from 9:00 am to 10:00 am. The food bank is open to all who choose to come with no restrictions on income. During the Covid-19 pandemic, food is available in pre-packaged, grab-and-go containers. Only Messiah Food Bank Volunteers are allowed in the building.

Messiah Chorale

Messiah Sanctuary

Messiah Chorale meets to rehearse choral anthems for Sunday services.
