FAQ’s for Visitors


If you are visiting our church or new to our congregation, you probably have questions.  Here are some answers to some of the most frequently asked questions.

What are your child-care arrangements?

We have a well-equipped nursery for infants and toddlers, with people staffing it from 8:15 to 11:45am every Sunday morning between September and May. You’ll be asked to sign your child in and out. However, if you would like to keep your children with you during the service, we love that, too. There are kid friendly ‘busy’ packets available on a table in Galli Hall.


Do you have a dress code? 

There is no dress code.  Some people come directly from work, others are headed out to a ball game right after the services.  Still others can’t wait for a chance to dress up and wear that birthday sweater.  All are welcome, so it’s really come as you are.


You have a big, confusing building. How do I find my way to the sanctuary, nursery, restrooms, etc.?

On Sunday morning there are people handing out bulletins in the entrance space. Please ask them for anything you might need and they will be able to get you headed in the right direction.
We also have a building floor plan in the pull down menu under “Welcome Center”.


I am coming with someone in a wheelchair. Will there be access?

Yes. Our handicap entrance is on H Street. There is temporary drop off space there and ramps next to the steps. In the Sanctuary, there is a row that is shortened especially for wheel chairs. If you need help, ask the usher to assist you. There are also ramps down to the Gathering Space for restroom access and into Galli Hall for contemporary worship. Longer term Handicapped Parking is located by the office in the back parking lot and also in the small parking lot next to the sanctuary.


Where should I park?  Is there special visitor parking available?

The small parking lot on 4th Street by the Sanctuary is especially for visitors. Use the large double doors facing the High School to enter. There is also guest parking in the back lot by the office.


Do you have any worship aids for people with hearing or eyesight issues?

If you have trouble hearing please ask an usher for a hearing-assistance device that feeds our sound system directly through an earpiece.
If eyesight is the issue, ask for a large-print bulletin.


I see you have communion at most of your services. I’m not a Lutheran. Can I take communion?

We believe that all who are baptized are invited to come to the table of the Lord.  We provide wine and grape juice. If you are gluten free, just tell us and we will provide that option for you as well.  It is a personal choice, however as to whether or not to partake.  If you would like to just receive a blessing, come forward with arms crossed over your chest and one of the Pastors will be more than happy to bless you.


I notice that lots of people get mentioned in your Sunday morning prayers. How can I get somebody I know to be included?

If you would like to have your prayers included on the prayer chain, please contact the office. If you would like your request to be part of the spoken prayers during the service, please fill out the request form in the pews or in the red folder and hand it to the Pastor as he walks down the aisle during the hymn of the day.


I’d like to talk to a pastor. Is that hard to arrange?

Not at all. The pastor will be happy to meet with you. Send an email or call and leave a message with the office. Office


I have a couple of other questions. How do I get them answered?

Call or email the Office. We would love to hear from you.
