Categories: Council

Council Corner: Charlie Radabaugh

Messiah family and friends,

Now what? Those two words, I have heard them a lot recently, a direct question about what is happening here at Messiah. I was thinking about those words and how they have become part of so much of our conversations lately. I looked “now what” up in the urban dictionary. It says, “Now what” is a phrase signifying boredom, a lack of topics to discuss, or a greeting after a brief-to-intermediate pause in the conversation. It is common to see the terms “don’t know or dunno” follow as a response. I look at the explanation and disagree a bit. I think there is a lot to talk about, important topics that need discussion, and prayerful considerations as we make our decisions moving forward.

 Last week Governor Inslee opened the state and in doing that relaxed or removed most of the guidelines we have been operating under. With that, we are asking the question, now what? I want to be upfront and honest; right now, we don’t have all the answers. Here is what we are doing. 

  1. We are increasing the number of worshipers from 60 to 100, 
  2. We will continue to wear mask for worship service.
  3. We have changed the masking requirements for song leaders, who will sing unmasked behind the Plexiglass.
  4. We are changing the 6-foot social distancing requirement to 3-foot.
  5. We are removing the need for taking your temperature as you enter worship on Sunday.

 Is this enough? is it too much? I dunno. 

Getting back to some sense of feeling “normal” is what we are longing for right now. We don’t like change. We don’t like being told what to do. We find comfort in our routines. Right now, all around this state, restrictions have been lifted and churches are deciding what to do next. I know we desperately all want to get back to feeling normal again, I am just not sure I know what normal is for us anymore. I just dunno.

As we are moving back into physical presence with one another in worship and fellowship, let’s remember that we need to love one another and extend grace for all.  I know we are missing our rituals and songs and the physical house of our congregation.  But, even more, I’m hearing that we are missing ONE ANOTHER.  And this is at the center of what we must be about in these coming days of our regathering.  Let’s be looking for ways to find our new normal, to experience fellowship together, and support each other as we move forward.

As the Church we are meant to walk with others in our faith; worship together, pray together, learn together, and grow together. We are thrilled to be able to worship in-person. Part of our Christian life involves setting time aside to gather with other Christians to worship God in community.  We honor God when we set time aside on Sunday, to gather with others to sing, to listen to His Word, and pray.  As we gather for worship we are blessed in return as God uses our time together to draw us closer to and helping us to grow in our walk with Him.

So now what? That is a great question. 


Charlie Radabaugh

Council President.
